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Deputy Chief of Volunteers Welcomes First-born

Thursday, September 19, 2019
The officers and members of the Ocean City Volunteer Fire Company ask you to join with us in welcoming Deputy Chief Moe Cropper's and his wife Blake's first child

9/11 Remembrance

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Fire Alarm/Sprinkler Systems Training

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Open Invitation to Participate in 9/11 Memorial Services

Wednesday, September 4, 2019
This is an open invitation to Any Active / Retired, Fire Fighter that would like to participate in the September 11th, Firefighter Memorial Services at the Firefighter Memorial at North Division St. All are welcome to stand with us for either or both events, and affiliation with OCFD, is not required. Note, Honor Guard participation must be Class A, (dress uniform). Group formation minimum dress code, is a collared uniform shirt and full-length pants. (No shorts or tee shirts, please, Per Chief Bowers.) 08:00- Tower 1 departs HQ , set aerial, and raise the American flag at Memorial 08:30 to 10:40- Honor Guard will be posted during the broadcasting of the six key memorial announcements made by Ocean City's communications center, denoting the key tragic events of that morning. One announcement for each of the four terrorist plane strikes and honoring those that lost their lives in the crashes, and two additional announcements denoting the times of each tower collapse and honoring all that lost their lives at Ground Zero, and for the countless others we have lost afterward, as a result of working the rescue and recovery efforts. 11:40- Post Honor Guard for the arrival of the Maryland Red Knights at the Memorial, with services beginning at Noon. Services normally run 60 to 90 minutes. Both of these events are open to the public, and all are welcome. 14:00- Arrive at Elks Lodge, with Tower 1, set aerial and raise the American flag. 15:00- Elks Service begins 16:30- Depart Elks Lodge Interested Honor Guard participants may contact Chaplain Kevin Knowles, at [email protected] or by cell at 443-235-7148.

Welcome Back to School!

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Small Fire on St. Louis Ave.

Monday, September 2, 2019

9/11 Remembrance Prep Continues

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Happy September Birthdays!

Sunday, September 1, 2019
We would like to wish a happy September birthday to the following members: James Mathias, Calvin Ginnivan, Benjamin Cropper, Robert Korb, Trevor Bowden, Jacob Fuchsluger, Bradley Bunting, Sean Donovan, Jason Hearne, Alan Jarmon, Dale Timmons, Earl Cox, Bud Timmons, Michael Mowbray.

OCVFC Captain Recognized at Work for Life Saving Efforts

Thursday, August 29, 2019
Story and photo from the Dispatch: Berlin Police Officer Recognized For Recent Efforts To Save Infant Charlene Sharpe Staff Writer BERLIN – Town leaders recognized Lt. Jeffrey Lawson of the Berlin Police Department this week for his efforts to save the life of an infant. On Monday, Mayor Gee Williams presented Lawson with a commendation to honor his actions earlier this month when he was confronted by a frantic mother whose baby wasn’t responsive. Lawson’s quick thinking helped save the baby’s life. “There are a lot of incidents that don’t actually get reported on because it’s not crime, it’s just a matter of public assistance and help,” Williams said. “We thought this was of a special nature. None of us has a greater opportunity to serve the public than our police force.” Lawson, a 23-year member of the Berlin police force, was praised for the “decisive thought and quick action” he exhibited on Aug. 8 when a mother came into the police department on Decatur Street with a non-responsive three-month-old. Williams said Lawson responded in less than a minute, turning the limp baby over and swiping its mouth. Williams said shortly thereafter liquid leaked from the baby’s mouth and it began to cry and act normally. “The lieutenant was informed the baby was given liquid Tylenol, a thick liquid, which caused the infant to choke,” Williams said. “The infant was transported to a local hospital and was doing well.” Police Chief Arnold Downing said the town was fortunate to have officers and supervisors like Lawson on the force. He said he’d spoken to the child’s mother earlier in the day and she said she didn’t even know the name of the officer that had helped her. “A lot of times we are faceless and thankless,” Downing said. “This is a true honor to have the opportunity to acknowledge his actions.”

Small Fire

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Photo of the Day

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