Online Membership Application
Fill out an application online today!
Complete the following steps to fill out an online application:
1. Visit (or your state's motor vehicle webpage) and request your driving record online. You can also go to your local MVA/DMV branch and request the same record. Save or scan in to your computer as a file (preferably PDF).
2. Download and complete an OCVFC Background Check Affidavit. Take it to your local notary public and have it signed/sealed. Scan it to your computer as a file (preferably PDF).
3. Fill out online application. Steps 1 and 2 must be complete! The application will ask you to attach the files from steps 1 and 2. If not - the application system will not allow you to fill out or submit the application!!!
Note: For those with a vaild driver's license, please be prepaired to attach a scanned copy of your license to the application when asked - Thank you!
Regular Business Meeting
7:00 PM
Regular Business Meeting
7:00 PM
Board of Directors Meeting
7:00 PM
Regular Business Meeting
7:00 PM