In 1905 the community realized a need for fire protection service in the Ocean City, Maryland area. The only way to afford such service was to ask for volunteers from the community, consequently, The Ocean City Volunteer Fire Company was born. We've come a long way in the last 105 years. A one engine, one station company has developed into a company with a Fleet of Apparatus, five stations and 125 active members. We are proud that so many men and women of the Ocean City community volunteer their time to provide protection of property and safeguarding of life for the residents of Ocean City and the millions of visitors that vacation in the resort every year. During 2006 our members responded to over 1300 Alarms, and participated in hundreds of hours of training and service.
Over the years the Ocean City Volunteer Fire Company has maintained and expanded its commitment to family tradition. Not long ago a young man could not wait until he reached the age of 14 so he could join the Cadet Program and start his training to one day join his father in the ranks of Firefighting. In recent years the company has grown to include sons and daughters, husbands and wives, and brothers and sisters. When you look at the big picture, the Ocean City Volunteer Fire Company is one big family. The Ocean City Volunteer Fire Company serves the Ocean City, Maryland Resort Beaches and West Ocean City as its first due area in six box areas. Our mutual aid and dual response agreements include Worcester County, MD and Sussex County, DE.
Regular Business Meeting
7:00 PM
Regular Business Meeting
7:00 PM
Board of Directors Meeting
7:00 PM
Regular Business Meeting
7:00 PM