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Thank you for your interest in joining the Ocean City Volunteer Fire Company.
The Volunteer Fire Company offers exceptional and exciting opportunities for men and women seeking the benefit of helping others. Volunteering as a firefighter or EMT will open up unlimited opportunities for advancement and the chance to make a real difference in the community and develop life long friendships.
The Ocean City Volunteer Fire Company (OCVFC) is the Volunteer Division of the Ocean City Fire Department. The Ocean City Fire Department (OCFD) is a full-spectrum life safety agency protecting people who live, work and play in OC. We are a combination department of volunteer and career personnel. We have 200 + members in the Volunteer Division and 100 + members in the Career Division, including the Office of the Fire Marshal and our support staff. Our department responds to approximately 6,000 calls each year. Many of these occur during the busy summer season. We provide services to the 10 & 1/2 mile stretch of beach area, West Ocean City, and also provide mutual aid to Worcester County, Maryland and Sussex County, Delaware.
Thank you for your interest in joining the fire service. Remember, this profession takes time, dedication, and the willingness to make sacrifices.
Frequently Asked Questions
-What is the minimum age to be a member of the Volunteer Fire Company?
18 years of age
For younger individuals (ages 14-17) who have interest in the fire service, they may join the cadet program. Click here to see the Cadet Program page.
-What is the process to become a member of the Volunteer Fire Company?
1. After completing the application and returning it to fire headquarters the first step in the process is the criminal background check.
2. Once the background is complete and approved you will be sent for your initial physical.
3. When the physical results are returned to the department with approval from the physician you will be scheduled for an interview with the Board of Directors and Chiefs.
4. After the interview, the Board of Directors will return with a vote accepting or rejecting your membership. You will be contacted by the Secretary of the Board and advised of your status.
5. If you were advised that you have been accepted into the volunteer fire company – you will be contact directly to complete the rookie school process and for your introduction to new membership.
The entire process can take between 2-3 months to complete depending on when your application is submitted, the speed of return of the background check, and availability of appointments with the medical center.
-What are the two primary types of membership in the Volunteer Fire Company?
Active Membership and Associate Membership
-What is the difference between active and associate membership?
Active members are required to be full time residents of the first due fire district. Active members may hold elected office and may vote in elections or company business. Active members are required to maintain 60 points per year.
Associate members are NOT required to be full time residents. Associate members are afforded the same privileges that active members are EXCEPT participation in VIP/LOSAP, the ability to vote, or the ability hold elected office. Associate members may hold appointed office and serve on committees. Associate members are required to maintain 30 points per year.
Click here to see an explanation of the "Points System"
-I am NOT a full-time resident of the Ocean City’s first due fire district. Can I be a member?
YES! Those who possess previous fire training (minimum Firefighter I certification) and are NOT full-time residents of the first due fire district may apply for associate membership and respond to calls when accepted. We have multiple associate members who own their second homes within the town and West Ocean City and/or come from other parts of Maryland, Virginia, Delaware, and Pennsylvania. If you would like to speak to one of these members they can be reached by request if you have further questions about associate membership.
Those WITHOUT previous fire training must live within the first due fire district to apply for membership and are only eligible to apply for active membership.
-I am a Town of Ocean City employee with previous fire training. Can I be a member of the Volunteer Fire Company?
YES! Any city employee may apply for contributing membership and respond to calls once accepted.
-What is "Rookie School"? Do I have to complete it in order to be able to ride?
Yes. All new members must complete Rookie School in order to be riding members. There is a shortened version for those with previous experience. Click here to read about rookie school.
-Can I be a “Live-In” member at the firehouse?
Yes. Click here to see the Live-In Program Page for more information.
-Does the Volunteer Fire Company offer EMS only membership?
Yes. Anyone who possesses a valid EMT certification may apply for membership as an Associate EMS Only Member. Once accepted you will complete an abbreviated version of Rookie School and be placed into the Fire/EMS division Field Training Program.
-Once I become a member are there any yearly requirements that I must meet to stay a member (in addition to coming to calls)?
Yes. You must maintain your minimum required points, attend annual SCBA training (if SCBA certified), or attend annual driver’s training (if driver certified).
Click here to see an explanation of the "Points System"
-Will I be provided with uniforms and gear?
Yes. Duty crew uniforms and turnout gear will be provided at no cost to you.
-Will I be provided with training?
Yes. You will be provided with all appropriate training via the department’s training program and through the Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute.
Contact Information
Ocean City Fire Department
Contact Us
Regular Business Meeting
7:00 PM
Regular Business Meeting
7:00 PM
Board of Directors Meeting
7:00 PM
Regular Business Meeting
7:00 PM