Photo Gallery
National Police Week
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
On behalf of the men and women of the Ocean City Fire Department, our fire headquarters is lit blue tonight to honor our police officers for National Police Week. Thank you for keeping our community safe.
??: Alex Bean
Remembering Sgt. Charles “Chip” Green
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Happy May Birthday!
Friday, May 1, 2020
We would like to wish a Happy Birthday to the following members: Dan Wills, Elizabeth Cramer, Wyatt Glasgow, Anthony Shaeffer, Joseph Sodon, James Lampe, James Gonzalez, Wardie Jarvis, William Steger Jr., Kyle Tanner, and Douglas Goggin.
Happy April Birthdays!
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
We would like to wish the following members a happy birthday: Darrick Elliott, David Pruitt, Bryon Trimble, Kim Tull, Josh Bunting, Will Bowen, Ryan Wooten, Justin Poland, Morgan Echols, Delaney Williams, Andrew King, Sam Magee, Mick Chester, Brian Winter, Lee Love, Bo Duke, Alyssa Gibson, Philip Turk, Tom Wilson, Steve Hales, Steve Price, Ken Bush, David Quilter, Kyle Bohannon, Wayne Timmons, Michael LeCompte, Tim Jerscheid, and Stacia Elbert.
Happy March Birthdays!
Sunday, March 1, 2020
We would like to wish a Happy Birthday to the following members: Jessica Shoemaker, Ben Lewis, Jay Jester, Andrew Gerity, Christopher Zaykowski, Gordon Wilkins, Scott Wells, Jack Hastings, Mike Hastings, Angelo Floria, Bobby Tanner, Chase Covell, Chris Rathel, Richard Cropper, Justin Harper, Garrett Piel, Andrew Quillen, Jesse Scott, Gage Weber, and Michael Wood.
Assistant Chief Jester Chosen To Speak At Firehouse Expo 2020
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Firehouse Expo is the largest fire and emergency services event on the East Coast. Firehouse Expo is the premier international trade show related to fire and EMS industry which is set to start on 21 July 2020, Tuesday in Nashville, TN, United States, and organized by Southcomm Business Media.
Happy February Birthdays!
Saturday, February 1, 2020
We would like to wish a Happy Birthday to the following members: Mike Ellingsworth, Ryan McCready, Dave Myszka, Duane Phillips, Kevin Cooney, Robert Domzalski, Aaron Driscoll, Trey Heiser, Joshua Joyner, David Lewis, Ben Waples, Chris Williams, Dominic Buzzuro, Jodi Renner, Randy Dare, Bill Savage, Joseph Kuhl, Firuz Etemad, Anya Knappenberger, Brady McKee, Zach Fuchsluger, Ja'kai Collick, Scott Shuster, Mike Giardina, Janet Fisher, Kover Ellingsworth, Christopher Murtha.
OCFD Part Time Employment Opportunity!
Friday, January 3, 2020
OCFD is currently hiring for Part-Time EMT - Intermediate, Maryland CRT, Paramedics, and Firefighter/EMS Clinician Positions. The deadline for requesting an application packet is 1/24/20. The deadline to submit a completed application packet is 1/31/20 by 1500.
Happy January Birthdays!
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
We would like to wish the following members a happy birthday: Cole Zink, Robert Davis, Joe Sturgill, Jerry Priestly, Tristan Jager, John McAllister, Charles Bunting, James Best, James Dickerson, Glenn McCoy, William Todd, Derrick Simpson, David Peterson, James English, Freddie Senger, Sabrina Snell, and Jeff Solembrino
Regular Business Meeting
7:00 PM
Regular Business Meeting
7:00 PM
Board of Directors Meeting
7:00 PM
Regular Business Meeting
7:00 PM

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